
The effect of the methodof permanentintegration (intensive and distributed) in learning the technical performance of the skill of straight transmission by tennis players in Anbar University

Pages 11-24
Ahmed Jamal Awad; Khalil Ibrahim Sulaiman


مستوى الثقافة التنظیمیة لدى تدریسیی وتدریسیات کلیات وأقسام التربیة البدنیة وعلوم الریاضة فی العراق

Pages 25-44
محمد محمود صالح عبد; وعد عبد الرحیم فرحان


The relationship of some forms of power to the completion of discarding For people with physical disability, F(55-56)

Pages 45-50
Hamid Taleb Hamid


Evaluate the level of application of sports marketing practices in the Iraqi Central Olympic Federations

Pages 51-64
Ibrahim YounisWaga; Yaseen Ali Khalaf


The Ratio of the Physical- Kinetic Intelligence Contribution in the Precious of the Compound Offensive Skills for Baghdad Basketball Youth Clubs

Pages 65-82
Sahar Hur Majeed; Mohammed JaafarMajeed


The Effect of Using Intercultural Approach in Acquiring Abtabba Skills by Changing Direction and Orientation of Students in Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Pages 83-94
Yaseein Ali Khalaf; Omar Hamdi Abdul Rahman; Ahmed KhaledAwad


The effect of proposed exercises in the form of collective competition in the development of some basic skills of football for middle school students

Pages 95-110
Hussein Habib Mosleh; Manif Saab Munther


A comparative study of some variables in the blood and speed healing among Rakda speed (100-meter freestyle and 110-meter hurdles)

Pages 111-120
Marwan Abid AL-Latif


تأثیر استخدام تمرینات مرکبة وفق الاستحواذ والسیطرة لتطویر بعض القدرات البدنیة للاعبی کرة القدم

Pages 121-130
طالب ماجستیر سرمد ناظم خلیل; عدنان فدعوس عمر


The dynamic analysis of some body in the normal progression and its relation with the accuracy of stabbing of duelist in the team of Physical Education and Sport Science College in Anbar University

Pages 131-144
Walid Khalid Hammad; Syfian Abdul Latif Mahmoud


تأثیر تمارین نوعیة فی تطویر التوافق الحرکی الخاص لملاکمی المرکز الوطنی لرعایة الموهبة الریاضیة

Pages 145-150
انمار فوزی جاسم; خلیل إبراهیم سلمان


An Analytical Study of Organizational Conflict among Presidents of Salahuddin Clubs in Iraq

Pages 151-170
Salem Khalaf Fahd


The impact of kinetic games in learning the skills of erecting and undermining the tent among students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science Anbar University

Pages 171-182
Hasan Chichan Sabba; Salim Hassan Jallab


تـأثیر أسلوب التعلـم الاتقـانی باستعمال أدوات مساعـدة فـی تطویر القدرة المهاریة لعمق الضربات الأمامیة والخلفیة بالتنس

Pages 183-200
رائد مهوس زغیر; محمد حسن هلیل


Special exercises to develop the explosive force and the skill of holding the high balls above the head for the goalkeeper of football for the youth

Pages 201-210
MoufaqAsaad Mohmood; AyadKhalafMarzoog Al-Janabi


The effect of different specific training areas per play course analysis on aerobic abilities and anaerobic of young footballers

Pages 211-238
إیاد محمد عبدالله; محمود حمدون یونس


The effect of ball balancing exercises in a number of physical and skill variables for young football players)

Pages 239-254
محمد شاکر علی


دراسة واقع الشغب الریاضی فی ملاعب کرة القدم من وجهة نظر الجماهیر الریاضیة

Pages 255-262
سلام حنتوش رشید; محمد شهاب احمد


تأثیر تمرینات خاصة فی تطویر القوة والاتزان العضلی للذراع المستخدمة للوقایة من بعض الاصابات الشائعة للاعبی کرة الید

Pages 263-282
طه غافل عبدالله


Influence of socialization factors for the development of offensive skills in football for young players

Pages 283-296


The impact of instructional learning exercises in learning, maintaining and evaluating the performance of some volleyball skills for students

Pages 297-308


الذکاء المکانی البصری وعلاقته بدقة اداء المهارات الفنیة بالکرة الطائرة الشاطئیة

Pages 309-326
محمد ولید شهاب; مروان عبد الحمید یوسف


تأثیر استخدام تمرینات البلایومترکـــــس لعضلات الذراعین فی تطویر دقة الضربة الأرضیة الأمامیة للاعبی الأسکواش الشباب بأعمار ر (18 – 20) سنة

Pages 357-368
Aseel Majeed Thalig


Interactive video and the impact on the processes of progress and retreat and the level of perception kinesthetic movement of the appeal of the Blind

Pages 369-374
Salah HadiHammad; Mohammed Abdul Qader; hmedObaid Rashid


and biochemical changes for the short and medium distances competitors for the special needs category 46 handicapped

Pages 375-386
م . عباس ، علی لفتة; بیداء رزاق جواد; فریال سامی خلیل


تاثیرتمرینات مهاریة بتزاید المسافتین الافقیة والعامودیة فی تعلم الارسال بالکرة الطائرة للمرکز التدریبی فی تربیة حدیثة

Pages 387-404
عبدالجلیل مولود عبدالجلیل; خلیل ابراهیم سلیمان


(the effect of corrective exercises on the most important kinematic variables to challenge stability and motion of the foil with fencing team of the college of physical education and sports sciences university of anbar

Pages 405-414
Drwaleed Khalid humadi; abdulqadersaeed abdfahian


The Effect of the Exercises of Retrieving the ball from the Net on the Development of the skill of Defending the stadium in the Volleyball

Pages 415-430
jumaah mohammedawadh; Qussay Ahmed Sarhan


Measuring The Effect Of Blood Lactic Acid Through Complex Physical Exercises In Developing Particular Endurance For decathlon Racers For Men

Pages 431-440
سها درویش عبد الغفور


(Effect of exercise using aids in developing compatibility and volleyball recepting Skill)

Pages 441-468
Maged Hussein Ahmed; jumaah mohammedawadh


Dynamic motion mat design to improve the performance of kinetic sentences on ground mat in gymnastics

Pages 469-480
Mohammed Qassem


The impact of qualifying educational exercises by using added weights to develop muscle strength of the most common injuries around the elbow joint at javelin and discus throwers for young people

Pages 481-492
Munther Hussewin Mohammed


Enhanced feedback strategy in learning the kinetic response speed of the audio- visual stimulus and the accuracy of the skill is overwhelming hitting in volley ball for the student

Pages 493-502
HindObaid Abdulsalam


دراسة مسحیة تشخیصیة لواقع بعض انواع التشوهات القوامیة لدى تلامیذ مدارس الرصافة الأولى للبنین

Pages 503-518
Rashwan Fawaz Rashed Bani


Occupational Satisfaction Reality AnalysisIn Iraqi Tennis Federation Coaches

Pages 519-532
حیدر طالب جاسم; حسین خمیس حسین; محمد قصی محمد


The effect of using two different methods in developing physical capacities and achieve disc throw for talented at the age of 14-16 years

Pages 533-542
Nween Azad Salih Al-Jaff; Luay Sabah Fleiyih


A study of the reality of occupational stress among physical education teachers in Baghdad

Pages 543-558
اثیر عبد السادة حسین

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