
Arab participation of non-Muslims in wars of liberation in the heart of Islam

Volume 0, Issue 48, June 2017, Pages 161-193


Career values and its role in determining the type of leadership for managers (A filed comparative study on the banking sector in the city of Amarah)

Volume 32, Issue 28, June 2016, Pages 143-174
Fadhil Abbas Hassan; Jasim Raheem Adhori


Organizational Culture And Its Role In Implementing Six Sigma Technology Applied In The State Company For Drug Industrial And Medical Appliances In Nineveh

Volume 37, Issue 119, September 2018, Pages 113-136
Nashwan M. Abdulaale


The impact of the Holy Quran and Sunnah in spreading the culture of love and tolerance

Volume 9, Issue 3, November 2018, Pages 729-748
Kareem H. Hmaidi


The Range of the Availability of Creative Values in the Educational Organization in Technical Education Institution

Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 55-74
Sultan Ahmed Khela; Basma Ibraheem Kh. Al-kaatan


The Trilogy of values Doer and Its Impact in Reinforcement of the Environmental Security

Volume 17, Issue 2, July 2021, Pages 280-296
Dr/ Mostafa Ahmed El Hakim


The values systems of Bejaia society through the book Onwan Adiraya to Ghobrini (d. 704h)

Volume 0, Issue 33, October 2018, Pages 247-255


To promote the values of religious moderation by presenting the doctrinal difference in the media

Volume 9, Issue 3, November 2018, Pages 235-260
Ahmad S. Mahmood


القیم فی الفکر الإسلامی وطریقة تعلیمها للتلامیذ

Volume 35, Issue 41.1, April 2005, Pages 367-414
کریم نجم خضر; علاء صاحب الحمزاوی


المسجد وتأثیره فی الحد من بعض مظاهر السلوک المنحرف لدى الشباب: دراسة میدانیة فی مدینة الموصل

Volume 40, Issue 56, February 2010, Pages 411-444
سفانة أحمد داؤد


قيم التفكير العلمي السائدة لدى طلبة كلية الآداب ومعهد إعداد المعلمين

Volume 7, Issue 16, February 2012, Pages 177-205
أ.م.د. محمد جبر دريب


قيم التفكير العلمي السائدة لدى طلبة كلية الآداب ومعهد إعداد المعلمين

Volume 8, Issue 21, March 2013, Pages 357-386
أ.م.د محمد جبر دريب

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