
Electron Transfer between Thionine dye and ZnO Semiconductor in Variety Solvents.

Pages 3-10
Shakir D.S. Al-Saeedi


Diabetic Mellitus and it’s complications in Duhok city/ IRAQ

Pages 11-16
Aseel A. Ali


Clinical study of Hyperthyroidism with Diabetes Mellitus patients and relationship with Liver function tests in Nassiriayh city

Pages 17-25
H. M . Kredy; M. A . Aouda; A. A. Albakaa


On Multiple Regression Modeling of Breast Cancer For the period 2005-2012 Using SPSS Program

Pages 26-37
Hadeel Salim AL-Kutubi


A comparative study of thephysicalandchemicalpropertiesofbuffaloand goat milk and theireffectonthe levelofcalciumandphosphorusof femaleratstreatedwithphosphoricacid

Pages 32-39
Rasha J. Tuama; Muhammad A. Awda; Khalid G. AL-Fartosi


Study of the Correlation between high sensitivity C reactive protein and Each of Malondialdehyde , Lipid profile, and Atherogenic Index inPatients with Ischemic Heart Diseases(IHD) in Thi-Qar Governorate

Pages 38-51
Asst.Prof. Dr. Adnan T. Al-Khafaji; Prof. Dr. Raid M. H. Al-Salih; HadeelRasheedFaraj


Study the effect of age and gender on Thyroid patients (Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism) in Baghdad

Pages 48-56
Huda; Mustafa; Waldan; M. Al-Kazaz; T. Mahmoud; H. Abdul-Razzaq


Study the hypolipidemic effect of combination of pectin, niacin and apple cider vinegar supplied as Apple-cure effervescent tablets in rabbits.

Pages 52-63
Basim Jasim Hameed


Anatomical and Histological study of the Pancreas of Pigeon

Pages 64-72
Satar Abood Faris


Bifurcation of extremals in the analysis of bifurcation Solutions of Duffing equation

Pages 73-92
Mudhir A. Abdul Hussain; Hussein K. Kadhim


Evaluation of Programming Language's Libraries Investment

Pages 79-95


Studying the mechanical properties , thermogravimetric analysis and flame resistance of novel IPNs based on some organophosphate resins and epoxy

Pages 93-109
Mouayed Yousif Kadhum


Synthesis and Characterization of a new Schiff Base {N-(2-{[(4-bromophenyl)imino]methyl}phenyl)acetamide} and its complexes with some transition metal

Pages 110-117
Prof. Haider.A.Mahdi; Sajda .S. Afatt


Effect of phenolic compounds of leaves extractes from Mentha spicata and Mentha longifolia on sex hormones level of female rats.

Pages 118-126
Khalid G. Al-Fartosi; Eman A. Al-Rekabi


Wavelet based image enhancement by using local, partial , dark and bright contrast for leukemia images.

Pages 127-134
Aqeel M.H. alhussainy

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