
2. Geographic Comparison of Women Labor Powers in the Countries of Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia: Problems and Solutions

Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2011, Pages 174-208
Asst. Instr. Azhar Jabir Murad


A Geographical Analysis of Urban Land Use in Kasab Aoun (Reality and Analysis)

Volume 0, Issue 39, December 2018, Pages 1289-1305
Riad Kazem Salman Al Jumaili; Alia Abdullah Hantoush


Assessing the skills of locating large cities on the deaf map in the fourth stage Geography Department College of Basic Education

Volume 0, Issue 39, December 2018, Pages 1306-1318
Ginan Mohammed Abed


Geographical Analysis of the Creative Industry and its Role on Achieving the Economic Development

Volume 7, Issue 1, June 2018, Pages 193-253
Asst.Prof.Dr. Salam Fadhil Ali


Geographical distribution of the population of the Indian district of Sinti (1997- 2015)

Volume 0, Issue 39, December 2018, Pages 1640-1654
Hussein Wahid Aziz; Ahmed Hamoud Moheisen; Haidar Mohammed Alkriti


Geography of Exile – A Reading of the Question of the Self and Place in the Structure of the Political Poem - Divan of Ta'abata Manfa as a Sample for the Iraqi Poet Adnan Alsa'ig

Volume 0, Issue 28, August 2018, Pages 213-241
Ali Izel Deen Al-Kateeb


Sawa Lake: Geography, Environment and Tourism

Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2008, Pages 9-43
a Jasim Mohammad; Safa


The effectiveness of a proposed training program based on reflective teaching to develop the teaching skills of geography teachers at the primary stage

Volume 2023, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 853-890
Sajid Ahmed Aswad


The effectiveness of a suggestion to design an example of activating skills of intellectual thinking in geography

Volume 1, Issue 17, December 2015, Pages 494-537
Iyad Sahib Humadi Ali; Dr.Najdat Abdul Ra; of Abdul Ridha and Ass.lect


The Effect of (CASE) Model in the Acquisition and Reservation of the Geographical Concepts for the Students of the Fifth Literary Branch

Volume 0, Issue 35, October 2018, Pages 1087-1105
Ali Sa; eed Mdeikil Al-Wasiti; lan; Jasim Sha; Hamdan Mahdi


The effect of correlation and sequencing strategy on the achievement of the geography of second-grade students and the development of their tendency

Volume 0, Issue 38, November 2018, Pages 1448-1478
Mohammed Kazem Mintoub; Heba Hassan Abbas Al Moussawi


The effect of the Co-Participate-Listen-based strategy was to acquire and retain geographical concepts in second-grade students

Volume 0, Issue 39, December 2018, Pages 1071-1090
Haidar Hatem Faleh Al Ajrash; Zainab Adnan Jabr


The Historical Development of the Concept of Areal in Geography

Volume 2021, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 3527-3554
Salar A. Khedher


The impact of thinking strategy in reverse in the collection of geography and the development of creative thinking The fifth grade students

Volume 0, Issue 29, September 2018, Pages 739-754
Abbas Obaid Hammadi; Mohammed Hamid Mahdi Al-Masoudi; Maryam Ayad Darwish Al Tamimi


The Impact of using Assignment Method in acquiring /by geography Department student / College of Basic Education the Skills of Preparing Scientific

Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 35-66
Daila F. Abdul Kareem


The Relationship between Gastrin Hormone and Fasting Blood Sugar Levels in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

Volume 24, Issue 2, February 2016, Pages 344-349
Haider.K.Zaidan; Moshtak.A.Wtwt; Nawras.N.Allawae; Hussien Jassim Obade; Hazim I. AL-Ahmed; Saad Mohamed Nada; Eman Mohammad Jarallah; Ameer Mizher; Ahmad Abbas; Eman M . Jarallah; Ahmed Abbas A; Noor Saadallah N; Zahraa Abed Neama; Hind Mahdi Jarallah; Zeana sh. AL-Hindi; Hawraa S. AL-Mosawi; Worood Alwane; Worood H. Aldahmushe; Zeana sh. AL-Hindi; Abd alnabi J Abid; M.M AL-Chalabi; Salah; M.Shukri; Hussein; I.Mahmood; Rana; Luma.B.Khalid; Abdulazeez Obeid Mousa Al-Uqaily; Jassim Mohammed Salman Al-Murshdy; Alhak Abd Muslim Hassan; Qasim Sattar Kareem; Ali Tuama Mukhelif; Khalid Hassan Al.Ammar; Monim Hakeam Al.Jooburi; Hamid Ali Ahmed Alsultan; Ali D; Gayara; Ahmed F. Al- Ma; amar; Mustafa R. Al-Obaidi; Ahmed T. Shihab; Mustafa R. Al-Obaidi; Kahtan Hadi .H; Donia Malik Ghazala; Hadeel Fadhil Farhood; Hanan Selman Hessan; Eman Fadhel Abd Al-Hussien; Nktel Faaz Nassir; Abbas Kadhim; Taghreed Al Mahbobi; Ameer Ali Hussein; Besma Khalid Inghaish; Nagham Ja; far Hussein


أثر استخدام إستراتيجية المنظمات التخطيطية في اتجاه طلاب الصف الرابع الادبي نحو مادة الجغرافية؟

Volume 3, العدد.9, January 2023, Pages 275-298
محمد علي احمد


أثر استراتيجية تنال القمر في التحصيل لدى طالبات المرحلة الاعدادية في مادة الجغرافية

Volume 3, العدد.9, January 2023, Pages 395-326
رنا غانم الطائى


الوزن الجيو- اقتصادي لجمهورية الصين الشعبية

Volume 3, العدد الخاص/المؤتمرالعلمي الدولي الثاني/القسم الثاني, June 2023, Pages 411-442
احمد حامد علي


توطن صناعة تکریر النفط فی العراق

Volume 1, Issue 2, June 1971, Pages 171-196
محمد ارهر السماک


جهود المستشرق الروسی أغناطیوس کراتشکوفسکی

Volume 42, Issue 64, December 2012, Pages 57-96
فارس عزیز حمودی المدرس


دور المسعودی فی تطور الفکر الجغرافی العربی فی القرن الرابع للهجرة/ العاشر للمیلاد

Volume 34, Issue 39, June 2004, Pages 63-87
عبدالجبار حامد احمد


نـظــرات معاصرة فی الجـغـرافـیــا و التنمیة

Volume 18, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 689-705
Sultan Saead fadil Aljoubory

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