
Differences between grammarians and commentators In the interpretation of “perhaps” the incident in the word of God - Glory be to Him

Volume 15, Issue 4, December 2023, Pages 34-48
Ayman Huri Yaseen


Differences of dealers in the price of selling case and its effect in selling deals

Volume 8, Issue 20, December 2014, Pages 256-280


Different narrations about the period of completing of AL- Zahrah city

Volume 0, Issue 5, February 2017, Pages 208-219
Ali Saddam Nasrallah


The authentic Traditions in which al-Nasa’i said but Qatadah infringed him in the big Sunan: A critical study

Volume 15, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 582-627
Prof. Dr. Abdulsattar Ibrahim Saleh -; Arwa Abdul Karim Mikhlif -


The Difference between Ibn Masoud and Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with them – in tafsir Surat Al-Anfal،(a comparative study)

Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 1576-1610
Saif Yunus Ahmed -; Asst. Prof. Dr. Fadel Muhammad Kambou -


أُسلوب الأَمر فی اللغتین العربیَّة والترکیَّة (دراسة تقابلیَّة)

Volume 52, Issue 89, June 2022, Pages 286-311
بشّار باقر عکریش


التصحیف والتحریف وما ینشأ عنه من اختلاف فی الحدیث الشریف

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 936-965


تأثیر شعر شیلی على الشاعرین المازنی وطه

Volume 40, Issue 57, July 2010, Pages 1-18
عبدالجبار جاسم محمد; میسر قاسم ذنون


دراســـة مقارنة للتضمین فی اللغة الإِنکلیزیَّة والعربیَّة

Volume 51, Issue 86, September 2021, Pages 23-36
هشام صالح رمضان حسن; هالة خالد نجم العکیدی


فِهْرِسْتُ النَّدِیْمِ بَیْنَ تَحْقِیْقَی المُسْتَشْرِق فلُوْکل وأَیْمَن فُؤَاد سَیِّد -- دِرَاسَةٌ مُوَازِنَةٌ--

Volume 52, Issue 90.1, November 2022, Pages 612-625
مظفر حسین علی


موقف الأصولیین من معنى ( أو ) فی القرآن الکریم وأثره فی اختلاف الفقهاء

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 2199-2218

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