
Al-Ashmooni's Grammatical Efforts in Guidance the Arabic Names in His Book Tawdhih Al-Tawdhih

Volume 14, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 272-302
Mohammad Shaker Jassem; Abdullah Hamid Khalaf


Legal regulation of human trafficking

Volume 5, Issue 3, November 2013, Pages 89-113
hana esmail ebrahim al asadi


National efforts of Iraqi and Jordanian legislators in combating the crime of human trafficking (A comparative study)

Volume 12, Issue: 2 part 2, December 2022, Pages 340-364
Zaid Khalaf Faraj Abdullah Al-Dhafiri


Scientific efforts of the Mawali in the interpretation of the Holy Quran

Volume 2023, Issue 2, June 2023, Pages 1326-1342
Ahmed Kh. Ibrahim; Qahtan A. Bakr


Sheikh Abdul Jalil Ibrahim al-Hitti's efforts to direct moderate religious discourse

Volume 9, Issue 3, November 2018, Pages 129-158
Firas Y. Abduljaleel


The British efforts to conciliate Ajami Saadoun(1914-1918)

Volume 2, Issue 21, August 2018, Pages 215-240
Researcher. Noor Hassan Khalaf ALataby; Asst .Prof. Dr. Khulood Abdul- Latif Abdul- Wahab


The efforts of Salman Hade To hme in documenting of Karbala Heritage

Volume 2020, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 3039-3070
Iman Salih Mahdi


The Grammatical Efforts of Al-Amasi in his Book ‘mukhtasar al-idadh fi sharh al-kafiya (Dead 908 AH): A Descriptive Study

Volume 15, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 79-99
Asmaa Mahmood Mahmood; Mohammad Jasim Alsatouri


الدکتور بشار عواد معروف وجهوده فی تحقیق کتاب تهذیب الکمال للحافظ المزی ت 742هـ

Volume 4, Issue 3.2, November 2013, Pages 129-171


جهود الباحثین المُحْدَثین فی دراسة الحدیث النبوی الشریف الدراسات ذوات المنحى الدلالی أنموذجاً

Volume 4, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 546-595


جهود الشیخ عبد الجلیل إبراهیم الهیتی فی التفسیر ومنهجه فیه

Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 693-716

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