
A Proposed Speaker Recognition Method Based on Long-Term Voice Features and Fuzzy Logic

Volume 39, 1B, March 2021, Pages 1-10
Iman H. Hadi; Alia K. Abdul-Hassan


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Volume 0, Issue 39, December 2018, Pages 1253-1269
Manar Khaled Badi


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Volume 43, Issue 65, February 2013, Pages 145-176
عزة عدنان أحمد عزت


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Volume 40, Issue 58, December 2010, Pages 147-191
أشواق محمد إسماعیل النجار


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Volume 40, Issue 57, July 2010, Pages 207-227
نهاد محمد عاشور


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Volume 20, Issue 21, March 1990, Pages 5-16
ازهر سلیمان صالح


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Volume 40, Issue 57, July 2010, Pages 31-46
مروان نجیب توفیق

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